One of the things I love about blogging is getting to know people, from the designers, to store owners and workers, to my readers. Everyone has such interesting stories that weave into an amazing tapestry of life!
I recently received an e-mail from one of my readers who has been going through a particularly difficult time in life, from the death of her father to relationship issues. While life is certainly throwing her some curve balls lately, she seems to be really coming into her own. First of all, she just came in first for her age group in her VERY first triathlon. (Brava!!) I admire the dedication and fortitude that the whole training and race took — way to focus energy into something positive! And next, she bought herself some amazing inspirational rings.

These lovely rings are crafted by Olive Bungalow. This is my first introduction to this line, but I can say that just from perusing their website, I’m a big fan of this artisan, made in the USA line. My reader chose three rings, with opal, green tourmaline (both her birth stones) and a chocolate diamond. Inside each ring, she chose a meaningful inscription: hope, strength, and courage.

I know that each time she looks at these rings, she will feel that pulse of self-worth. Though jewelry can seem frivolous to some, this is case and point that it can have real meaning — she is more than worthy! I applaud this reader, and I have strong intention that her inscriptions of hope, strength and courage help carry her though whatever life has in store for her. Much love.