Jewelry injuries? Are you kidding me? Actually, no…perhaps you’ve even experienced one yourself. I happened to run into a client of mine at a trunk show at the Palo Alto Neiman Marcus. Her eyes were all a-glitter as she gazed at the treasures before her. Her “possible” purchases were carefully laid upon a black velvet tray as I approached.
“Ooooh, I want to check them all out!” I exclaimed. “Please model them for me!”
She smiled widely as she started with some earrings, next a necklace or two, and finally we got to the gem-laden bangles.
“I don’t know what’s wrong, but I need to be careful putting these on. My thumb and joint area really hurt,” she said.
Now this is a young, athletic client, so I knew it couldn’t be arthritis setting in right there at the Neiman’s jewelry counter. So what could it possibly be?
You guessed it…she was sore from trying on bangles! The constant push over her joints had caused a bonafide jewelry injury. Aside from some Advil, I said the only solution was clearly to buy herself some of her great picks — she had earned them! 😉