Call me crazy, but not a day goes without me wearing either labradorite, moonstone, quartz (rock crystal) or raw, organic colored diamonds (grey, cognac, black, etc.). Some days, I’m wearing all of them at once! But you currently can’t pay me to wear a ruby, lapis or emerald. Why is this? I’ve been thinking about it a lot. Here’s what I’ve concluded — if you really listen to your body, it will tell you what you need. These needs include nutrition, activity and yes, even the gems you wear.

Some days my body will tell me to get out for a hike and eat salmon and veggies for lunch. Other days, my body wants to relax on the couch and have some comfort food. (I try to accommodate its wishes.) I know it’s often difficult to listen to what messages your body is giving in this fast-paced, somewhat chaotic world. It’s even harder to listen and not argue with the message. But in the long run, I think being in tune with oneself is a great gift, leading to a happier, healthier life.
I recall back in 2010 my hairdresser broke the news to me that I had lost about half my hair. (I was wondering why I was suddenly getting sunburns on my scalp!) This is just about the time when I HAD to wear rutilated quartz every day, and I had no idea why. And guess what…it turns out rutilated quartz promotes hair growth. I got chills when I discovered this fact.
Given what I’ve come to believe, I wanted to investigate what these four crystals could possibly mean for me. A great place to start is this poster I received from Jacquie Aiche at the Couture show. It shows different gems, and what chakra they are attuned to. On the back, it has some information about each gem, along with a list and description of others.

This stone has a very high vibration and is instrumental in helping one open spiritual pathways and explore intuition and psychic abilities. It’s a gem of transformation. It’s also an excellent stone of protection, shielding oneself from negative energies. All of these things definitely resonate with me, and they are areas I have been putting attention toward. Interesting….

Moonstone also is associated with “goddess energy,” bringing balance between masculine and feminine energy. It encourages love and passion. Yes, I can use more of that in my life, so I’ll continue to wear it! It’s said to be even more powerful when worn during the full moon. Noted.
Clear Quartz

Though it’s one of the most common stones in the world, that doesn’t diminish its high vibration. It helps open one’s mind and heart to higher guidance. It also amplifies the powers of other stones. I take this to mean that it would strengthen the powers in the stones in other pieces of jewelry worn at the same time. It is also a very healing stone, which is always a good thing in my book!
It’s a crystal that provides clarity and protection from negative energy. Interesting, as that’s the second stone to have that property on my short list! I know that I’m a very sensitive person, and I often absorb the energy from people around me. Though that can sometimes be a good thing, it can also be a not-so-good thing. I guess my labradorite and rock crystal help shield me from the not-so-good.

Diamonds also help relieve stress, anxiety and nightmares. This is interesting, as I suffer from horrible nightmares. I’m going to try and wear some to bed! This gem also encourages abundance and love, another overlap with moonstone.
I’m going to continue researching this topic, as I am very intrigued. What about you? What gems MUST you wear or have around you? Which ones can you do without? And has this changed over time? I would love to hear your thoughts.