Sometimes a girl has just got to splurge…perhaps a big pasta dinner, maybe a visit to a spa, or in my case, usually in the form of jewelry. I’ve had Spinelli Kilcollin on my radar for a while now, completely intrigued by his linked rings. Now trust me, I was certainly not planning on acquiring one of these beauties, but sometimes the jewelry stars just align, and who am I to fight it?! So here’s how it went down:
-I received an e-mail from Red Bird (fab Berkeley, CA boutique) that they were having a special 40% off promotion on certain items.
-I returned home from vacation and found myself with an unexpected day off during their promotion dates, as a client had to re-schedule. (Hmm…clean the apartment? No fun at all!)
-I figured it was undoubtedly a great idea to just “pop” across the bay to see what I could find, as I do have some fall/winter clothing needs.
-….and there it was.

I can wear it spread out across four fingers.

Barney’s has a nice selection of his rings on their website. But be warned that they are much more diamond-encrusted (and therefore substantially more of an investment) than the simpler style I got. There are a wide range of styles available on the Spinelli Kilcollin site as well.
If this ring is something that floats your boat, then I encourage you to try one on for yourself! I think you’ll be very pleased.
I think these are just lovely. The versatility is great but my favorite is the first one you showed. Good find, Amy!!!