While on the plane home from Jewelry Week in Las Vegas, I started writing down my observations on the trends I saw. Most definitely ear jackets are very on point right now, and I think they will be growing in popularity in the months to come. (WWD was clearly on the same page, as they published an article about it on Monday. Unfortunately, since I don’t subscribe, I wasn’t able to read the article. Know what any overlap in content is purely coincidental!) Exploring ways to creatively adorn the ear has been extremely on trend, staring with the resurgence of multiple piercings and ear climbers. Ear jackets are just the next step in this evolution. In fact, while perusing the jewelry counter at Sak’s yesterday, look what the woman next to me was donning in her lovely lobe!
With the assistance of Kathy, the kind saleswoman at Sak’s, I tried on this spiked “Ice Pick” jacket by Jacquie Aiche.
You may be wondering how these work. Basically, you take a stud earring, and then thread the ear jacket through the post behind your ear. Some jackets come with a coordinating stud, but in the case of the one I tried on, the jacket is sold separately, and you can use it with any stud you already have. Here’s what it looks like on its own.
You may be wondering why there are three different holes you can use. This is because there are a range in sizes and shapes of earlobes, and this design is made to accommodate a variety of ears. If you remember back to middle school biology class, you may recall learning about detached (the dominant gene) and attached (the recessive gene) earlobes. Both look great with ear jackets, so you just need to find the correct fit for you.
Which type do you have?
There is also a plethora of styles out there to choose from, from the very subtle to some real statements. Here’s a little taste of different styles. Do any of them inspire you to try this trend?
None of these are fine jewelry, but I think fashion jewelry is a great way to go if you’re trying out a trend to see if it works for you. Then when you’re confident the style resonates, it’s a great time to invest in the fine jewelry versions, such as the one I tried on at Sak’s.
You’ll also notice that some of these are sold in pairs, while others are sold individually, or with a coordinating stud. This is one of the great things about current earring trends — things don’t have to be symmetrical. You have license to get as creative as you want!