OK…so I know that I had a fairly harsh commentary on a gal back in April who was wearing an abundance of (dated) rings. But I have to say, that while at a party this past weekend, I could not take my eyes off this woman who was decked out in slim-fitting camouflage pants, rings galore, and a killer smile.

This woman has one of the most solid senses of her personal style than most anyone I’ve ever encountered! Her whole ring ensemble began with her thick platinum and subtle diamond wedding ring. Thirteen years later, the collection has grown and been perfectly curated. A combination of silver and platinum, the rings hail from everywhere from the Sundance catalogue to Tiffany & Co to Anna Beck…

From the diamond and platinum bands on her left pinkie for her wedding anniversary, to the group on her right pinky from her yoga instructor to celebrate the coming of her son 8 years ago, it’s just awesome! I know that I could never pull this look off, but I can certainly admire how she does it with panache!

During our conversation, she did say that she wears them all the time, whether throwing pottery on the wheel or swimming. They are a constant conversation piece. Between that and her unique name (Camelot), this gal is a rare gem indeed!