How is it that it’s already November?! I truly don’t know where the time goes. November is another month that has two birthstones — topaz and citrine. In this article, I’m going to focus on topaz. Many of you are likely familiar with this stone, as both blue and smoky topaz are very popular in the marketplace. But they can come in a wide range of colors, from colorless to orange, yellow, pink and purple. The word topaz comes from the Sanskrit word for “fire” although it’s popular meaning, being know as a calming stone, is certainly the polar opposite of fire! Perhaps the fire element was referring to the color of certain stone specimens.
Regardless, topaz can help you with many things, such as:
-it heals and energizes
-balances emotions
-brings synchronicity to your life
-helps with love and hope
-brings good fortune
Going on yet another one of my virtual shopping sprees, I discovered some lovely topaz designs. Do any of them pique your interest?
Armenta blue topaz and diamond ring

Loren Stewart topaz and diamond pin and stud set