I’ve been a fan of turquoise ever since my dad brought me a necklace with turquoise beads from a business trip when I was about 4. (I still have it, in fact!) As a young adult I visited New Mexico, and I couldn’t decide which hue I liked best — from the true blue to the blue-greens. I’ve come to the conclusion I like it all! (shocker, I know) I’m a fan of everything from vintage Native American Squash Blossom necklaces to sleek, modern pieces.
Turquoise, which gets its name from the French words for “Turkish Stone” has been part of the human culture since ancient times. Turquoise beads have been unearthed from 5000 BC, if you can believe it! Throughout history, this stone has been an amulet of protection, a sign of wealth and wisdom. It’s considered sacred by many cultures. In addition, this stone promotes:
-serenity & peace
-relieves stress
-heightens creativity
-aids the immune system
-grounds oneself
-promotes honest communication
-helps your body detox
With all these amazing attributes in mind, which piece of jewelry from the selection below would you pick if you had a bottomless wallet?
Ann Dexter-Jones turquoise ID bracelet