If you’ve been following my blog for a while, then you’re likely aware that searching for sea glass is one of my favorite pastimes. Sea glassing is a seasonal thing, and you really need some good storms to churn up the sand and reveal the real treasures. With California’s on-going drought, there’s been a corresponding drought in sea glass on our beaches. I think that’s what got me started on my new collection…small rocks (found along the beach, rivers, or lakes) that have a thin-lined complete circle on them.
When I posted this image on Instagram, one of my followers told me that her family calls these “wish rocks,” and for each full circle, you get to make a wish. I love that! This got me to thinking that if I find these rocks beautiful, then surely there are some jewelry designers out there who must make some fabulous rock jewelry as well! Well, I was right, and I want to share some of the creative designs I found while searching online.