OK, so I know this a jewelry blog, but once in a while I get a bee in my bonnet about general image issues. Being in the image industry, I’m constantly bombarded with the “perfect” body and how we’re supposed to attain its unrealistic goals. Trust me, this has been a personal struggle for me my entire life, and I’m god-damned sick of it!
I think that we’re all beautiful, no matter what shape, size, color, whatever. We need to feel confident, and present our best selves to the world. Express who you are, what you stand for, and don’t hide in the shadows. I encourage my clients to dress for the body they have TODAY…I don’t want to hear about waiting to buy something until they lose the next 10 pounds. And yes, jewelry is a FAB way to express yourself and really show the world that you’re making an effort. What’s your jewelry signature?? Make that effort! Jewelry knows no size, and it’s the perfect way to get your personal message across. I think this photo by “A taste of social media” really sums it up. It hit home with me. Hope it gives you some food for thought.