No, this is not a Halloween post (I know that Thanksgiving is tomorrow.). Though I just have to share — I recently came across a cache of photos of Victorian era jewelry with human teeth. What the heck?! Seriously, I find this whole concept a bit freaky. Here is a prime example…it’s an enamel brooch given to Princess Victoria from Prince Albert in 1847. It features the “first milk tooth” from their child. Uh, is it just me, or is this a bit icky??

Upon further research, I’m finding that using human teeth in jewelry is not something just done in the past. In fact, the art is alive and well. Melbourne jeweler Polly Van Der Glas has a whole collection of jewelry made from human teeth, set in sterling silver. Moreso, her line focuses on all things that were once attached to the human body — hair, teeth, and fingernails. She even offers a 10% discount on commissioned jewelry in which you provide the teeth.

I don’t know about you, but this is definitely not something that will be on my jewelry lust list…just sayin’.