So I’m a bit concerned. It all started innocently enough when I was walking down the Strip in Las Vegas one night, and I spotted this girl walking in front of me.

(I was walking rather hurriedly to try and snap a photo of her, so sorry that it’s a bit blurry.) I couldn’t understand why she had a tail hanging from her backside. Well according to my friend Jeff, this was all the rage when he was living in Japan in a few years ago, and you know that we are often late adopters of various fashion trends. I tried to write this off as a one-time fashion “oops.”
Then I spotted this guy while in a casino on the same trip. Now granted, he had much more of the rock n’ roll vibe going on, so it made a little more sense, but I was still dubious.

Next, I was back home, shopping mid-day at my local Safeway. This guy was in the produce section, picking out fruit while pushing his baby in the cart, with one hanging off the side of his shorts!

Clearly, if this accessory trend is now hitting the suburbs, then it really must be happening. And just tonight, I spotted this image on Pinterest, of a tail (sadly) attached to a Balenciaga bag.

And if that weren’t enough, you have to watch this short video (1:44) on the NEXT level of tails…I really don’t know what the world is coming to. (If this video just looks like a black box on your screen, then click here to see it.)
So what’s YOUR opinion? Is this truly a current accessory trend? What do you think of it? Would you wear one? Dying to know…please comment!