When people think about shopping in Carmel, California, they usually envision ambling along Ocean Avenue, with all it’s tucked away courtyards and charming architecture. But that’s not the only place to shop, especially for jewelry. Carmel Crossroads is a shopping area located just south of Ocean Avenue, at the intersection of Highway 1 and Rio Road. (You can’t miss it–you turn left at the traffic light just past Carmel Valley Road.)
One of my favorite places to explore is European Jeweler & Goldsmith. At first glance, you may not think this store has what you’re looking for, but you’d be surprised! I always manage to find some amazing treasures at almost too-good-to-be-true prices.

This store sells both new and consignment jewelry, and you’ll find everything from costume to fine all in the same cases. You really have to spend some time looking with a discerning eye at the merchandise, and I have no doubt that there will be pieces that you must try on!
One of the coolest things is that they sell their jewelry at 30% off the sticker price! And…they offer a “secret” house account with no interest for up to 12 months, depending on the piece. How can you lose?!
I also love their collection of Carmen Priolo jewelry, which I first encountered quite a few years back at the Saratoga Rotary Art show. Her jewelry is chunky with subdued metallics, and it’s beyond gorgeous. I believe that this is one of the only places where you can find her line outside of particular art shows.

While you’re at the Crossroads, you also have to stop into She, a very fashion-forward boutique crammed with merchandise. (It’s just across the way and up a bit from the last shop.) When I walked in there last week, the sales woman, Heidi, actually remembered me and what I had purchased there a year ago–that’s customer service!
This is one of the only boutiques where I’ve encountered Calleen Cordero jewelry, which is a designer most known for her extraordinary shoes and bags. Her leather jewelry is equally fab, with sort of a bohemian, rock-and-roll edge.

Here, in one of the display windows of She, you’ll get an idea of the esthetic, which is very chic with an urban edge. Not exactly what you’d expect to find in this locale.

So next time you’re in Carmel, don’t limit yourself to Ocean Ave. Head a bit south to Carmel Crossroads and poke around. And if you have time for a meal, also stop by the nearby Earthbound Farm for a delicious organic treat! Gotta keep that blood sugar up for all the shopping you’re going to do. 🙂