Am I the only one whose mailbox gets swamped with catalogues? (I feel so bad for my mail carrier!) While many of them go straight into the recycle bin, I do take the time to peruse some of them, including Sundance. Last night while flipping through the pages of the latest issue, I came across this jewelry stand. At first, I couldn’t understand why the bars were slanted every which way.

Then as I read the description, I realized that the bars are magnetic, and you can place them anywhere on the stand you’d like. This is such a cool idea, since you can really design the layout to fit your particular jewelry collection. It’s made of hand-rubbed steel and made in the USA. (snap!) It’s also quite narrow, only 8″ wide and 15″ tall. This makes it easy to fit onto a shelf or on the top of a dresser.
If you’re looking for a clever way to store and display your jewelry, this might just be what you’re looking for. Let me know if you get it and try it out.